When Does a Patient Need Kidney Transplant?

Healthy functioning of an average human body is highly complex, yet all the crucial internal organs perform the task with great coordination and efficiency. Proper functioning of body organs is crucial for a healthy living and therefore every person needs to take proper care of their body to ensure problem-free functioning.

Cause and need for kidney transplant?

Kidney Transplant
Kidney transplant is often advised as the last expedient for any patient because it is very difficult to find a replacement organ with same blood and tissue group. Proper functioning kidneys are highly important for a human and only in worst case scenario a kidney transplant is advised at best hospital for kidney transplant.

When is a transplant needed?

The need for kidney transplant arises in case of extreme lose of kidney efficiency. When a person’s kidney functioning drops over a bar of 90% working, a person needs to take up kidney transplant and replace his nearly non-operational pair of kidneys. The condition where a person looses more than 90% kidney functioning, he gets prone to end-stage renal diseases.

End stage renal disease is the biggest reason for kidney transplant. While performing the transplant procedure, the patient can either receive the replacing kidney from a brain-dead donor or sometimes from a living donor. The approximate cost of kidneytransplant in both the case is almost similar but the availability of organ may also affect the total cost. High blood pressure, diabetes or polycystic kidney disease are few of the prime reasons leading to kidney failure.


Kidney is one such vital internal organ which is responsible for filtering waste products and toxins from the human body.  Its basic function is to filter out the toxic waste from the body and prevent various potential problems such as infections and toxic build up. One should always take care of his health by avoiding harmful intakes and maintain a good lifestyle.


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