What Should You Know Before a Weight Loss Surgery?

What is ailing the population of this earth more than anything is the bane of obesity in all ages, walks, and races. But thanks to the development of fitness measures and technology in the world, there are ways that a person can now lose a considerable amount of weight in a significant time. One such boon is weight loss surgery or Bariatric surgery. As detailed by the best hospital for bariatric surgery in India, weighing more than what a person should at their height and age is categorized as overweight, but to weigh twice more than the normal value is what is termed as Obese. The scale used for measuring the extent of how much overweight a person is called the Body Mass Index (BMI).
What BMI does is it takes your weight and height, and with simple mathematics, churns out a number for your condition. On the BMI Scale, if you are 30 or over, you are considered obese. This general area on the spectrum is where you should consider working on yourself and probably consult a doctor about your condition. Bariatric surgeries are usually adviced to those who add a new color to the scale, as being extremely obese and carry a BMI of 40 and over.

If you are lined up for bariatric surgery, here are a few tips to help you prepare for the surgery, so when you come it, you will start healthy and live longer:

     Cut your weight yourself before the surgery. Your doctor will advise you to go down by at least 8 to 16 kgs before the surgery. This will show your commitment and will improve your health.
     You need to be emotionally and mentally ready for a lifelong commitment towards a changed diet and lifestyle.
     Talk to the surgeons about the medicines you are on or will take in the future, without leaving anything out. Something as simple as vitamins, minerals or any other basic supplements also falls in the same category.
     Smoking is a no-go. If you are smoking, you need to drop it as not only it has long-term effects on your health but can also create complications on the operation table, including pneumonia.
     Learn new eating habits, out of which, eating slowly is the most important. Learn the importance of chewing thoroughly, putting down your spoon/fork after every bite, and avoiding drinks between your food in helping you slow eat.
     About a week before the procedure, the surgeons will give you a strict chart with a lot of fasting on it. Make sure you stick to the surgeon’s instructions. It is also important to figure out the nutritional breakdown of food so you can devise your diets.
     The night before the procedure, take a thorough bath and give yourself a complete cleaning because you will not be able to do that for quite a long time after the surgery.
     Make sure that you have someone who will not only drop you before and pick you up after the surgery but will be there with you for at least 24 hours during the day of the procedure.
     Planning beforehand will save you a lot of trouble later. This includes any responsibilities, diet plans, childcare, work, etc.
     Ensure that you have some light soups or anything that can constitute a liquid diet prepared beforehand, as they will be very useful after the surgery. Or for this purpose, you can buy a liquidizer or a blender.

Above all of these, you need to be mentally prepared for the after-effects of bariatric surgery performed on you. It is not very often that it occurs that a procedure like this can cause neurological implications of any sort. But just to be clear, you must pay a visit to the best neurohospital in Delhi 
before you go for surgery. To get a bariatric surgery is not a small change in your lifestyle, and thus requires you to be fully prepared for it. Thus, you have to check whether you gonna have any complications because of that surgery or not. It is a lifelong feeling of happiness that requires small changes in your lifestyle.


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