How to Support Dialysis Patient during a Pandemic?

As the deadly COVID-19 or coronavirus is spreading its wings around the world, we are learning to live in a pandemic situation, just like shown on TV and movies. People are slowly identifying the areas of improvement that can help in combating this pandemic. Who is at great risk?

People above 60 years of age, people with a compromised immune system, and the patients who are currently on dialysis are at higher risk. In fact, people who have gone kidney stone surgery are also at risk. But, the risk is higher for dialysis patients.

 If you or any of your loved ones are currently on dialysis, it is crucial to support them and prevent the infection from reaching them. Here are some essential tips that will help such patients to stay safe and healthy during these times.

Hand Hygiene – Washing hands before attending a patient who has undergone a kidney stone surgery, is an utmost important measure to safeguard them during a pandemic. You can use water and soap, or from any alcohol-based hand, gel to clean your hands. Washing your hands for at least 15-20 seconds will ensure that all the germs have been washed off properly.

Hydrated – You must ensure that the patient is kept hydrated throughout the day. Consult the doctor and include Vitamin C juices and other immunity-boosting supplements in their diets.

Precautions – Make sure the patient is wearing a mask and covering his mouth during sneezing and coughing. Also, the other people attending the patient should be asked to follow these precautions.

Clinical Visit - If a dialysis patient has to go for a mandatory clinical check-up at the best kidney hospital in Delhi NCR or any other place, make sure he or she has taken all the safety measures. Consult your doctor and take a time when the rush in the hospital is less.  Avoid using central restrooms during a clinical visit.

Distance - We all are talking about social distancing nowadays. It is the only measure that can save us from contracting coronavirus. Since there is no proven cure and vaccine of this pandemic, people are advised to stay indoors and maintain a distance of at least 1 metre with each other.

When a person is on dialysis, the risk multiplies further. It is advised that a dialysis patient should maintain a distance of 6 feet from any person who is ill or seems to be ill. 6 feet is a long distance and will prevent the virus from reaching the patient.

Our knowledge and real-life experiences can help us in protecting ourselves and our loved ones from this fatal virus. Scientists all over the world are researching COVID-19 drug options. Till then, follow these crucial measures to support dialysis patients.


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