How Hormones Affect Your Health

In a human body, hormones are the messengers that travel in different organs signalling them to work. The endocrine glands are responsible for the production of hormones, which travel via the bloodstream to different tissues.

Hormones regulate different processes in the body from growth and development to reproduction and metabolism. The hormonal level changes in men and women both, as they age supplementing the body growth. However, too much or too little hormones lead to serious health issues.

Even a small hormonal imbalance in a male or a female can cause adverse effects on the body. So here is how hormones affect the health of an individual.

Did you know that Estrogens, a group of female sex hormones, are known human carcinogens?

Well, these hormones play a major role in the health of a female, but these have also been associated with an increased risk of certain cancers as found by many research organisations and reaffirmed by cancer specialist hospital in India.

How Hormones Affect the Health of Females:
Women are greatly affected by hormonal imbalances or fluctuations. They naturally experience multiple episodes of hormonal imbalance throughout their life. For some, it may be smooth sailing, but for some others, it may create havoc on their body functioning.

The hormones in the body of a female can cause breast tenderness, mood change, acne, etc.

The hormones have also been found associated with cervical cancer. However, more research is needed in this regard. And if it is confirmed, then cervical cancer treatment in India may see positive growth in success because then drugs targeting estrogen and its receptors may help in treating and/or preventing cervical cancer.

These are crucial for menstruation and are responsible for weight control and mass change. Hormones also have a massive impact on pregnancy as estrogens and progesterone levels determine the fertility or infertility in the body.
An imbalance in the hormones in a female body may cause:
  • Weight Gain
  • Skin Tags
  • Clitoral Enlargement
  • Diabetes
  • Breast Tenderness
  • Irregular and Painful Periods
  • Osteoporosis
  • Ovarian Cancer
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Indigestion
  • Primary Ovarian Insufficiency
  • Gall bladder diseases

How Hormones Affect the Health of Males:

Males are also affected by the hormones in their body. The major changes occur between the ages of 9-14 years. Between 18-40 years, the level of ‘testosterone’ changes and reduces with age. The hormonal changes also contribute to weight control and changes in muscle mass.

The imbalance in hormones in males can lead to:
  • Weight Gain
  • Mood Changes
  • Diabetes
  • Low Energy Levels
  • Low Sperm Count
  • Prostate Cancer
  • Osteoporosis
  • Erectile Dysfunction
How to Balance Hormones?

The best way to keep a check on your hormones and maintain a balance is by getting enough sleep, avoiding excessive alcohol, eating nutrient-based food, staying active, and reducing stress. Regular exercise also helps in regulating hormones.

The Crux

The hormonal imbalances are common during menstruation, puberty, pregnancy etc. Nearly everyone experiences at least one to three periods of hormonal imbalances. However, if they have caused serious issues, it is a matter of concern.

If you are facing any health issues due to hormonal imbalances, the first step towards resolving it is getting it diagnosed. After diagnosis, you will get to know the best possible treatment.


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